metal funnel with beads going in and coming out the bottom

5 Types of Marketing Funnels Every Business Needs to Succeed

February 28, 20232 min read

If you're not using sales funnels in your business, you're missing out on a HUGE opportunity to increase leads and revenue. In this blog post, I'm going to share with you the 5 types of sales funnels every business needs to succeed.

metal funnel with beads flowing in one side and out the other

1. The Lead Capture Funnel

The lead capture funnel is designed to turn website visitors into leads. This is usually done through a lead magnet, such as an ebook, course, or webinar.

To get the lead magnet, the visitor must enter their contact information into a form. Once they've done that, they are redirected to a thank-you page where they can download the lead magnet.

2. The Webinar Funnel

The webinar funnel is designed to sell a high-ticket product or service.

To do this, you need to host a free webinar that provides value and educates your audience on a specific topic. At the end of the webinar, you pitch your product or service as a solution to their problem.

3. The Tripwire Funnel

The tripwire funnel is designed to make an initial sale and begin building trust with your audience.

To do this, you offer a low-priced product or service (usually $7-$27) that solves a specific problem your target audience has.

Once they make this initial purchase, they are then placed into a follow-up sequence where you offer additional related products and services at higher price points.

Related Content: How to Build Ethical Sales Funnels

4. The Membership Funnel

The membership funnel is designed to create an ongoing relationship with your customers by getting them to sign up for a monthly or yearly membership program.

This type of funnel typically includes an opt-in page, thank-you page, and members area where they can access exclusive content and/or receive discounts on products and services.

5. The Continuity Funnel

The continuity funnel is designed for businesses that sell physical products on a subscription basis (think Dollar Shave Club or Blue Apron).

With this type of funnel, customers make an initial purchase and are then placed into a recurring billing cycle where they receive the product on a regular basis (monthly, quarterly, etc.).

Increase Leads and Revenue Without Sacrificing Trust

To recap, these are the five types of sales funnels every business needs to succeed:

  1. The lead capture funnel

  2. The webinar funnel

  3. The tripwire funnel

  4. The membership funnel

  5. The continuity funnel.

By implementing these funnels into your business, you'll be able to increase leads and revenue while building trust with your audience.

Don’t have one or more (or any) of these funnels in place? Don’t panic — I’m here for you! Contact me today and let’s get to work building and executing a marketing strategy that will have you flush with leads, get your bottom line booming, and build relationships that keep your existing customers coming back for more.

marketing funnels
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Jacinda Santora

Jacinda Santora is a marketing consultant who uses marketing psychology to help businesses grow. She knows that research informs strategy informs execution — and nails it all.

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